​Papers submitted for review must clearly state:
The purpose of the work
How and to what extent it advances the state-of-the art
Specific results and their impact
Only work that has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere will be considered. Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered as a commitment that the work will not be publicly available prior to the conference. Measurement results or calibration against measured data is required to support the claims of the submitted paper.
After selection of papers, the authors will be informed about the decision of the Technical Program Committee by e-mail by May 28, 2025.
At the same time, the complete program will be published on the conference website. An oral presentation will be given at the Conference for each accepted paper. No-shows will result in the exclusion of the papers from any conference related publication. The submitted final PDF files must be IEEE Xplore compliant.
For each paper independently, at least one (co-)author is required to register for the conference (one registration one paper policy).
Registration fees and deadlines will be available on the conference website.
Papers submission deadline
April 4, 2025
Although not limited, papers are solicited for the following main topics:
Advanced Technology, Process and Materials
Process and material developments for logic, memory, and non-CMOS, including electrical and physico-chemical characterization, process integration and manufacturing: 2D TMDs and related insulators (e.g., hBN), graphene, TFTs, gate oxide, gate material, silicide, MOL and BEOL materials, 3D monolithic as well as conventional and novel memory cells including charge-based memories, ReRAM, MRAM, PCRAM, ferroelectrics, crosspoint and selectors, organic memory.
Analog, Power and RF Devices
From material growth to device, components, and systems (process, design, devices fabrication, applications). Device design and electrical/ physical/electro-thermal/reliability characterization of devices based on Si RF CMOS, RF SOI, SiGe HBTs, SiC, InP/InGaAs/ GaAs, AlGaN/InGaN/GaN, CNT, diamond, and related material systems. Power systems integration issues including thermal management, packaging technologies, system-level electro thermal characterization, product quality and system reliability aspects. Device production processes and design for manufacturability.
Modelling and Simulation of Electron Devices
Modelling and simulation of electronic devices, including, Logic, Analog/RF, Power, Optical, Sensors, MEMS and Memory applications. Methodologies include TCAD (process and device simulation), Design-Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO), physics-based compact modelling, numerical, statistical, and ML/AI-based methods. Key topics of interest are Emerging Devices including 1D/2D and organic materials, non-classical transport, and new memory concepts, Neuromorphic Computing, Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum Computing, Variability and Reliability modelling including radiation effects, Device-Circuit Co-Design, and 3D-Integration including Thermal modelling. Multi-scale modeling that includes one or more of the following levels: atomistic, mesoscopic, single-device, cell, circuit, block, and system level simulations, multiscale modelling chains and interactions between TCAD and compact modelling as well as mutli-scale modelling for 3D/heterogeneous integration, is of particular interest. Model validation with experimental data is highly encouraged.
Analog Circuits
Building blocks, systems, and techniques operating in the analog or mixed-signal domain, such as amplifiers, drivers, comparators, filters, references, analog systems, analog interfaces, and analog techniques.
Data Converters
Nyquist-rate and oversampling A/D and D/A converters. Capacitance-to-digital, time-to-digital, frequency-to digital converters. Embedded and application-specific A/D and D/A converters. Analog to information conversion. A/D and D/A converter building blocks (sample-and-hold circuits, calibration circuits). Enabling new techniques, architectures, or technologies.
RF & mm-Wave Circuits
Building blocks and front-ends operating at RF, mm-Wave and THz frequencies for wireless communication, radar, sensing, and imaging.
Frequency Generation Circuits
Oscillators and controlled oscillators, PLL, DLL, injection locked oscillators, frequency dividers, any kind of frequency generation or time base circuits and systems.
Digital Circuits & Systems
Digital circuits and memory subsystems for microprocessors, micro-controllers, application processors, graphics processors; digital systems for communications, video, multimedia, security, and cryptography applications. Digital design techniques for power reduction, intra-chip communication, clock distribution, soft-error and variation-tolerant design, system-level integration. Devices and circuits for IoT and IoE security (e.g., PUFs, TRNGs).
Power Management
Power management and control circuits. Regulators. Switched-mode power converter ICs using inductive, capacitive, and hybrid techniques. Energy harvesting circuits and systems. Wide-bandgap topologies and gate-drivers. Power and signal isolators; robust power management circuits for automotive and other harsh environments. Circuits for lighting, wireless power and envelope modulators. Design for manufacturability.
Wireless Systems
Wireless systems: radio transceivers, highly integrated front-ends, SoCs and SiPs, incl. heterogeneous packaging solutions, at RF, mmWave or THz frequencies, for established or future standards, as well as novel applications such as radar, sensing, and imaging.
Wireline and Optical Circuits and Systems
2.5/3D interconnect, copper-cable links, and equalizing on-chip links, exploratory I/O circuits for advancing data rates, chip to chip system communications, high speed serial interfaces, optical interfaces, laser drivers, optical receivers, clock and data recovery.
Emerging Computing Devices and Circuits
Novel devices and circuits to improve existing and enable new computing paradigms. In-memory computing and logic-in-memory using emerging devices. Qubit devices and cryogenic circuits for quantum computing. Non-charge-based logic devices and circuits (magnetic logic, spintronics and plasmonics), beyond CMOS transistors (tunnel FETs, Dirac-source FETs). Devices and circuits based on low-dimensional systems (2D materials, nanowires etc.), topological insulators, and phase transitions.
Architectures and Circuits for AI and ML
Silicon implementations of AI, ML, neuromorphic accelerators and processors, together with their applications. Edge and cloud AI computing platforms. In- and near-memory computing at the array/processor-level using commercially available technologies.
Devices & Circuits for Sensors, Imagers and Displays
Devices and circuits based on MEMS and bioelectronics devices for biomedical and imaging applications. Image sensors and related circuits and systems, SoCs. Automotive, LIDAR, and ultrasonic sensors for ADAS, autonomous driving, smart mobility. MEMS sensor systems. Wearable, implantable, ingestible electronics, biomedical SoCs, neural interfaces and closed-loop systems. Biosensors, microarrays, and lab-on-a-chip. Display electronics, displays with sensing functionality. Devices, circuits, and systems for AR/VR and related sensing/actuation. Product quality and reliability aspects. Device and circuits production processes and design for manufacturability.